Useful information

Please find a list of useful documents that you can view and download:

A creditor’s guide to Insolvency Practitioners fees (England & Wales)

This document is suitable for creditors who have received notification that one of their customers is proposing or has entered into an IVA. It provides details of what an IVA is, the IVA procedure, the role of the creditor in the process and what information the creditor should receive regarding the proposed IVA

A creditor’s guide to Insolvency Practitioners fees (Northern-Ireland)

This document is suitable for creditors who have received notification that one of their customers is proposing or has entered into an IVA. It provides details of what an IVA is, the IVA procedure, the role of the creditor in the process and what information the creditor should receive regarding the proposed IVA

IVA Protocol terms and conditions

This document is suitable for all IVA clients. The IVA Protocol terms and conditions are the rules upon which your IVA is based. Please note that this document is to be read alongside your IVA Proposal. Once your IVA is accepted some of these clauses may be superseded by modifications proposed by your creditors, so you will need to check your Chairman’s report. If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained above, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

R3 Guide “Is an IVA right for me”

This booklet has been prepared by the Association of Business Recovery Professionals, also known as R3. It contains some very useful information regarding IVA’s and is a must read for anybody considering entering into a Voluntary Arrangement.


Dealing with your complaint

Brooke Meade Insolvency values each and every customer. In the unlikely event that you are not happy with the service provided by us, we shall do our best to put things right. Any complaint will be dealt with in an efficient, fair and positive way as described below.

Stage 1

Upon receipt of a complaint, a complaint form is completed by one of our team members with as much information as possible and referred to a senior.

Stage 2

The senior will try to resolve the complaint within three working days wherever possible or contact for further information where necessary.

Stage 3

Full details of the complaint is stored onto company records for tracking purposes. Regardless of, if the complaint is resolved or unresolved at Stage 2. After three working days the Complaints Officer will take responsibility of and acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing, within 5 working days, but usually within 48 business hours.

Stage 4

Once the investigation into the complaint is complete. A final response will be sent to the customer

Stage 5

If we are unable to provide you with a final response within 8 weeks, we will write to you explaining why and advise when we expect to reach a final response.


Finally If you have not received a final response letter from us within 8 weeks of the complaint date (stage 1), or you are dissatisfied with the decisions in our final response letter, you can write to the relevant regulatory body via the Insolvency Service Complaints Gateway at:


Alternatively you can complain via writing to the following address:

IP Complaints, Insolvency Service, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA.

Telephone: The Insolvency Service Enquiry Line on 0300 6780015 (Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm).